

Elizabeth and I have very similar tastes in a lot of things. I especially know that in the matter of Paul Simon I can speak for both of us (just look at Elizabeth's profile photo) and proclaim his brilliance. I've been listening to our Graceland LP over and over all week. I've been going on and on to anyone who will listen about all the monumental aspects of this unique album. Just watch these two performances from his '87 concert in South Africa. (Then go to YouTube and watch all the other videos from that concert)
Would I be right to imagine that this album only further fueled (if not stimulated in the first place) your obsessions with Africa, Elizabeth?

I'm currently practicing my Paul Simon dance moves for a co-worker's birthday party on Thursday -- it's going to be amazing. Hand gestures!

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

Oh Mary your Paul Simon dance moves is going to be THE BEST birthday present ever!!!!